Considering that R. of North Macedonia is in the 7th cycle of periodic reporting on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), a Shadow Report was prepared that covered Chapters 7 and 8 of the Convention, for the period from 2017 to 2022. Namely, these 2 chapters refer to the participation of women in politics and public life, as well as violence against women in politics (VAW-P), so the report itself included an overview of the following aspects: the overall state of democracy in the country, women’s rights, violence against women and the Istanbul Convention, women’s participation in politics and elections, the role of political parties in promoting women’s participation in politics and the perception of women in politics and public life.
The report was presented at a panel discussion on the topic: “Are women still underrepresented in political and public life?”, which took place on September 28th , 2023. The event was attended by representatives from several ministries, women parliamentarians in the RNM Assembly, international organizations present in the country, embassies and civil society organizations.
Apart from the presentation of the report, the main findings and recommendations of the research on violence against women in politics and the “Circle NO” campaign carried out by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) were also presented, as well as the research “Women in Politics: the Path to Political Positions, Influence on Local Level in Macedonia”, conducted by Reactor – Research in Action. Additionally, the panel was enriched with the experiences of women in local politics that were shared by the Humanitarian Association “Majka” from Kumanovo.
In order to better promote the Shadow Report, a video was made with the main findings, which was shared on the social media of the National Network against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, as well as on Vidi Vaка.
The shadow report can be viewed at this link.
This activity was carried out within the project “Preparation of a Shadow Report on the implementation of CEDAW in the Republic of North Macedonia”, supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI).