Become a member

The National Network against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence is open for membership of all organizations that act against various forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, and which accept and implement the strategic goals and principles of the network.

Network membership can be regular and associative.

For admission to regular and associate membership in the network, the interested organization must meet the following conditions:

To act as a legal entity for at least 2 (two) years;

Actively act in the field of protection from violence against women and / or domestic violence in the last 2 (two) years;

To accept the principles and rules of operation of the National Network.

To accept the principles and rules of operation of the National Network.

In the first year, the interested organization that has applied for membership will be treated as an associate member.

The interested organization submits a completed application form which is attached:

Written documentation confirming the above conditions (Decision from the Central Registry, Annual work plan of the organization and CV of the organization);

Two recommendations from relevant stakeholders (at the request of the Network);

Written statement of acceptance of the principles and rules of operation of the Network.

All documentation must be signed and certified by the authorized representative of the organization.

The entire documentation is submitted to the Board of Directors of the National Network at the following e-mail address:

You can download the membership form here.