Career profiling training for service providers in the Women’s Support Centers

The narrative surrounding victims of gender-based and domestic violence often focuses solely on their pain. However, within every woman who has survived such trauma lies an untapped potential, suppressed by the constraints of abusive relationships. Strengthening a woman economically not only leads to financial independence but also sets her on the path to full self-realization.

The National Network Against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, supported by the US Embassy in Skopje, has initiated its latest project, recognizing financial independence as a crucial element in combating violence. The project aims to establish an effective model for economic empowerment and the reintegration of women who are victims of gender-based and domestic violence.

The project commenced with a two-day training session for service providers from our Women’s Support Centers on November 21 and 22 at the Youth Hub managed by NYCM. Led by experienced entrepreneur Irena Chaushevska Danilovska from the NewMen’s Business Accelerator, the training equipped our service providers with the skills to utilize the comprehensive profiling tool CAREER, meticulously tailored to the specific needs of women who are victims of violence.

This career profiling method is built upon six characteristics that define successful entrepreneurs: unwavering resilience, the ability to identify and seize opportunities, innate curiosity, strategic innovation, bold decision-making, and transformative leadership. The practical tool assesses the extent to which these characteristics are present among users to determine the most suitable path for them: corporate careers, freelance engagements, or entrepreneurship.

In the subsequent phases of the project, all participating users will receive support tailored to their career profiles through group workshops or individual mentoring sessions. These activities will enhance their skills, expand their networks, connect them with like-minded individuals, and introduce them to relevant stakeholders, ultimately empowering them to seize control of their own destinies.

This project was funded through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.

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