10.06.2015: “I Sign” Campaign

Within the project “Coordinated Efforts – Towards new European standards in the protection of women from gender-based violence,” the “I Sign” Campaign continues to be implemented with the final aim ratification of the CoE Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. In addition to leaflets and video clip, activities to inform the citizens on the importance of this Convention are being implemented, as well as meetings with representatives from local self-government in Skopje. The campaign is simultaneously implemented in five countries in the region and in Austria.

The campaign is focused on informing the citizens on the contents of the Convention. It should influence the awareness of each individual, the whole society, that violence (all types of violence) is not the right way to solve the problems. The campaign informs the citizens about the obligations that the state has taken with the ratification of the Convention, which includes comprehensive protection from violence, prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators and an effective and efficient system for monitoring of the application of the provisions of the Convention.

More information about the campaign activities on the following link: http://potpisuvam.org

The project is implemented in cooperation with National Council for Gender Equality, with local partner organizations, besides National Network to End Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, Helsinki committee for Human Rights – Macedonia, Equal Opportunities Association “Ezerka” – Struga, Organization of Women “Vizija” – Kavadarci and Organization of Women Pehchevo.

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