Women’s support center opened in Bitola

In Bitola we opened the first counseling center for help and support of women and children who face gender-based and domestic violence – Women’s Support Center Bitola. The center was opened with the financial support of the municipality of Bitola, which allocated 1,000,000 denars from its budget for a period of one year. This is the first specialized counseling center for women and children victims of violence in the Pelagonia region, which provides services for users from the municipality of Bitola and surrounding municipalities.

The counseling center provides free and confidential help and support services to women and children dealing with any form of gender-based and domestic violence, regardless of whether the violence is occurring at the time the woman seeks for help, or has happened in the past, but left consequences and challenges that women are currently dealing with.

The center provides counseling for realization of social rights, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, legal aid and support, referral and connection to institutions for reporting violence survivors, as well as career counseling and mentoring support for economic empowerment.

The working hours of the counseling center are from 08:00. until 4:00 p.m. every working day.

Contact: 075/ 393-626 and zenskicentarbitola@gmail.com .

You can follow the work of the counseling center on the FB profile of the Women’s Support Center-Bitola (Женски центар за поддршка – Битола).

The counseling center is called “Women’s Support Center – Bitola” and is the fourth center of this kind managed by the National Network against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, after the opening of Women’s centers in 2021 in Skopje and Tetovo, and in September 2022 in Kavadarci.

More information about the Women’s Support Centers is available at this link.

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