On July 14th, at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, was held a working meeting at which attended representatives of institutions, international and civil society organizations, with the aim of presenting the summary monitoring report on the state’s progress in implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.
The summary report was prepared by the team of the National Network to end violence against women and domestic violence and covers the period from October 2018 to May 2022. This report was preceded by two others, for which meetings were organized for the presentation of the findings and recommendations.
Like the previous reports, this one also refers to an urgent revision of the NAP with the aim of more successful implementation of the Istanbul Convention. Namely, the revision should initially refer to the deadlines foreseen in the NAP for the implementation of the planned activities in the direction of setting up new ones that will be realistic and feasible, as well as to the revision of the activities and the adding of new ones according to the newly created situations. Supplementing the indicators with new ones that will also measure the quality of the performed activity, instead of the previous ones that are quantitative and do not provide useful information about the success in carrying out the activities.
One of the recommendations refers to the competent ministries/institutions, i.e. the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the activities, because the mentioned funding sources provide only the basis, but do not show a specific amount of planned and allocated funds for the implementation of the activities. It is necessary that the financial resources that will be allocated by the ministries should be clearly visible in the overall budget of the specific ministry/institution in order to enable the monitoring of the costs related to the implementation of the activities provided for in the NAP.
This activity is within the framework of the project “On the way to EU: Ending violence against women in the Republic of North Macedonia” financed by The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, implemented by the National Network to end Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.