13th Annual Assembly of the Network

On May 27th, 2024, the 13th Annual Assembly of the National Network to End Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence was held. The Assembly was attended by representatives from 15 member organizations out of a total of 21 members.

In the introductory part, Executive Director Elena Dimushevska gave a general overview of the Network’s work so far and the overall situation in the country, with special emphasis on the elections and post-election results. After this, the narrative and financial report for 2023, as well as implemented projects and activities, as well as current projects in 2024, were presented.

After the adoption of the reports, Ana Avramoska Nushkova presented the new Rulebook for Labor Relations, which refer to the hired and employed persons in the Executive Office of the Network. Special attention was paid to the provisions for protection against corruption, which require additional engagements for some of the members of the Assembly as well as the Management Board of the Network. In addition, the Rulebook for protection against sexual harassment of children and other clients was presented again, with a recommendation to organizations that do not have such a rulebook and work on direct assistance and support to women and children victims of violence to draft and adopt it in their internal policies.

At the end of this Assembly, a discussion was developed regarding the strengthening of women’s civil society organizations with a special focus on the local level, as well as the need to establish a special Fund that will financially assist civil society organizations that manage specialized services. The purpose of the fund would be to ensure the continuity of the services, as well as the financial stability and sustainability of the services themselves.

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