Grant for Emergency Response to Domestic Violence during the COVID-19 Crisis

Donor: Filia.die frauenstiftung

Donor: Filia.die frauenstiftung

Objective: To help and support women victims of violence and their children by holding trainings for their economic empowerment of women victims of domestic violence who have left the violent environment or are in the process of leaving and, employment and providing stable and long-term income to women victims who have been unemployed for a long time, financially dependent on the abuser, do not have a stable income, do not have their own residence or other real or movable property. Three thematic units will be covered through the trainings: Acquisition of basic IT skills; Acquiring soft skills for employment, such as a job interview, CV and cover letter, etc. and acquiring basic skills for managing finances or managing a family budget. Technical support is also provided for the maintenance of the trainings as well as tablets for the smooth running of the online teaching.

Duration: July-December 2020

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