On 5 December 2019, the National Network to End Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in partnership with the Civil Initiative “KLEA” – Bitola and the women`s organizations (forums and unions) within political parties held a panel discussion on the topic “Draft-Model for Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Women-Victims of Domestic Violence” in the premises of the Municipal Council of Bitola.
The speakers at the panel discussion reviewed and discussed the legal possibilities for incorporating the Model for Reintegration and Rehabilitation at national level. The speakers at the event included: the President of the Municipal Women`s Forum of SDSM – Tatjana Krncheva, the President of the Municipal Union of Women of VMRO-DPMNE – Natasha Bajovska and the President of the Municipal Forum of the Independent List – POINAKU – Gabriela Ilievska.
The last OSCE research on the Balkan region from 2018 included North Macedonia. The key findings from the research indicate that 60% of women-victims of IPV were controlled by the perpetrator, had little or restricted access to finances, and their children were used as a means of blackmailing them against leaving their partner. Of all the women-respondents, 1 in 5 or 19% were victims of economic violence by their partner. Women who had suffered domestic violence in the past but were in no position to leave the violent environment have experienced recurrent violence in various forms in the last 12 months (42%). The economic instability of women-victims of domestic violence has been recognized as one of the main reasons for staying in the violent environment, but also as one of the biggest challenges faced by women-victims after they leave the violent environment.
Considering the different economic circumstances in the Republic of Macedonia, measures and policies are needed for the women-victims of violence who are economically dependent on the perpetrators to be able to more easily make the decision of leaving the violent environment and start the process of social reintegration.
To that end, the National Network to End Violence against Women and Domestic Violence prepared a Draft-Model for Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Women-Victims of Domestic Violence, the need for which was recognized based on the results of the conducted “Analysis of the economic challenges faced by women-victims of domestic violence who want to leave the violent environment”.
A few days earlier, on 2.12.2019, a panel discussion on the same topic was organized in partnership with the Organization of Women of the Municipality of Veles and the women`s organizations (forums and unions) within political parties in the Restaurant “Glorius” – Veles. The panel discussion was attended by a number of representatives from relevant institutions (Center for Social Work – Veles, Employment Department of the City of Veles, inspectors from the Ministry of Interior – PS Veles). Speakers at the panel discussion were: Vesna Atanasovska – President of the Municipal Women`s Union of VMRO-DPMNE, Zorica Koceva – representative from the Municipal Women`s Forum of SDSM and Eftimija KArdeva Lukarovska – Vice-president of the Municipal Women`s Organization of LDP, who shared their positive attitudes related to the model and led the discussion on the legal possibilities for its incorporation.